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作者:admin    发布日期:2019/3/26 1:10:47    来源:中老磨憨-磨丁经济信息网



An Investors Guide to the Golden Triangle Special Economic Zone



一、 老挝概况Overview of Laos


Laos is the only landlocked country on the Indochina Peninsula, bordered by China on the north, Vietnam on the east, Cambodia on the south, Myanmar on the northwest, and Thailand on the southwest, with an area of 236,800 square kilometers, a population of 6.49 million2015), and Vientiane as the capital city. Geographically, the elevation drops from northwest to southeast, with 80% of the territory being mountains and plateaus covered by vegetation. There are about 20 rivers that run over 200 kilometers, the longest being the Mekong River, the “Golden Waterway”, which cuts through the west of the country running approximately 1,900 kilometers. The country features a tropical/subtropical monsoon climate, with a rainy season from May to October and the rest of the year being dry. The annual average temperature is about 26℃ and annual precipitation is 1,250mm to 3,750mm.


The 49 ethnic groups share the language of Lao, and the majority of people share the religion of Theravada Buddhism. It is considered blasphemy against the Buddha to comment on, or to touch with any part of the body Buddhist statues. The head is believed to be the most sacred part of the human body and hence shall not be touched by others, even the head of a child. The feet, on the other hand, are the least sacred part of the human body and shall not be pointed towards others, or used to open doors or move objects. It is rude to sit with legs crossed in front of monks or guests. Laotians greet guests with the namaste and the word “Sabaidee” (How are you).



The most important festival, the Water-Sprinkling Festival (or Songkran Festival) is the Buddhist New Year’s Festival. It’s usually from April 13 to 15 each year on the Solar Calendar during which time the Laotians go to the temples to worship the Buddha, pour water over the Buddhist statues to symbolize purification, and perform various other ceremonies such as splashing, tying strings on wrists, making donations to temples, building pagodas with sand, and freeing captive animals. They also pour water on one another at home or in the streets to symbolize cleansing them of disease and misfortune with pure water, as well as to pray for abundant rainwater and good harvest, and then welcome the New Year coming.


二、 特区简介Introduction of the GTSEZ

老挝金三角经济特区(以下简称特区)位于老挝波乔省西北部,地处老挝、泰国、缅甸三国交界处,东依金龙山,西南毗临泰国清莱府,西北与缅甸大其力隔湄公河相望,地理位置特殊,区位优势明显。2007年老挝中央政府与金木棉国际(香港)有限公司签订开发合同,共同规划建设“金三角东盟经济旅游区”。2010年,在老挝革新开放政策的推动下,时任老挝总理波松·布帕万签署了《关于在老挝人民民主共和国波乔省敦蓬县设立金三角经济特区的活动和管理的第 090 号总理政令》,正式批准成立国家级的金三角经济特区,首期期限99 年,同时根据“小政府、大社会”的机制设立金三角经济特区管理委员会,并授权其实行对金三角经济特区自主的经济开发权和行政管理权。


Golden Triangle Special Economic Zone (GTSEZ) located in the northwest of the Bokeo Province at the junction of Laos, Thailand and Myanmar, with Jin Long Shan on the east, Chiang Rai (Thailand) on the southwest, Tachileik (Myanmar) on the northwest across the Mekong River, the GTSEZ is at great geo-advantage. In 2007, the Lao government signed a contract with Kings Romans International (Hongkong) Co., Limited to jointly develop the “ASEAN Economic and Tourism Areas” at Golden Triangle. In 2010, Prime Minister Mr. Bouasone Bouphavanh signed Prime Minister Decree No. 090 to establish the GTSEZ’s activities and management in Tonpheung District, Bokeo Province, signifying the start of the 99-year first phase of the GTSEZ development. At the same time, guided by the “Smaller Administration Unit-Wider Society” principle, the GTSEZ Administration Board was formed and commissioned with the rights of the economic development and public administration of the GTSEZ.


GTSEZ covers an area of 100 square kilometers, with 30 square kilometers of development zone and 70 square kilometers of natural forest conservation zone.


三、 投资基础设施建设打造投资平台Investment in Infrastructure


Over the past decade, about 900 million US Dollars has been invested in the infrastructure projects within the GTSEZ such as urban public road network, the Mekong River embankment, passenger transport wharfs, shopping complexes, waterside landscape, tap water system, power supply system, telecommunication network, residential villages and primary health care system, as well as tourist supporting projects such as the Lao-China Friendship Street, Chinatown, riverside restaurant row, star hotels, economic hotels. These projects made the GTSEZ a high quality investment platform, formed a solid foundation for local tourist industry, boosted economy in surrounding areas, created employment opportunities for local residents, as well as advanced economic, cultural and tourist development in the Great Golden Triangle region extended to Thailand and Myanmar.



四、 特区行政管理Administrative Management of the GTSEZ


As the governing administration, the GTSEZ Administration Board oversees the economic, cultural and social management of the GTSEZ. The Administration Board consists of the Chairperson, two Vice Chairpersons and 4 committee members. It interposes 3 function committees including National Defense and Public Security Committee, Audit Committee and Arbitration Committee, 5 function management offices including General Office, Office of Finance, Office of Economic Development, Office of Planning and Construction, Office of Society and Culture, and the One-Stop Service Office. The One-Stop Service Office representative that the Administration Board centralized and unified to processes applications for credentials and licenses, servicing for local resident investors and company with convenience and efficiency.

一、 特区发展定位Development Orientation of the GTSEZ



GTSEZ founded with Establish the development strategy of focusing on tourism. While promoting the unique Southeast Asian culture, the GTSEZ takes full advantage of the historical, cultural and natural resources of the region to perfect urban infrastructure. With priority given to sustainable tourism, leisure, entertainment and health cultivation, industries such as sustainable tourism agriculture, finance, logistics, trading, real estate, shopping and media are also encouraged and supported. The diversity of industries makes the GTSEZ develop into a place well suited for tourism, business and residence.


As the nation’s model, the GTSEZ has been given many privileges brought by the preferential policies of regional economic cooperation within ASEAN and the Great Mekong Subregion (GMS) cooperation, as well as various investment-promoting policies with in Laos. With the developmental trend in Southeast Asia ever changing, the GTSEZ is actively following, responding to and participating in the rapid development of the greater region. Seizing the opportunities brought by the “Belt and Road” (B&R) and the “Lancang-Mekong Cooperation” (LMC), as well as the forthcoming investment peak in the Southeast Asia region, the GTSEZ takes full advantage of preferential policies home and abroad to advance the development and urbanization process.



二、 特区总体规划Blueprint of the GTSEZ 


Taking full advantage of the geographic, historical, cultural and natural uniqueness of the Golden Triangle, driven by the strategic philosophy of being “Head of the Mekong, Holy Land of Buddhism, Metropolis of Joy, and City of the Future”, and guided by the five principles of “Group Layout, Respecting Realities, Making Capital of Aqueducts, Enclosed Space, Bustle Tranquility Separation”, the GTSEZ optimizes resources to build a safe, open, comprehensive and innovative Golden Triangle with an improved and reshaped image and development the tourism to achieve that lift off again.



三、 投资项目Investment Projects

1. 市政基础和公共服务设施类:给排水管网、行政办公大楼、公共客运交通设施、垃圾处理站、体育中心、九年一贯制学校;

2. 农业及配套类:农产品深加工、仓储物流;

3. 旅游业及配套类:免税店、奢侈品购物中心、老挝民俗大型综合演艺中心、国际会议中心、主题乐园、高尔夫球场、亚热带丛林帐篷营地、房车自驾营地、水果采摘庄园、金三角历史记录馆、金三角国际禁毒实景教育馆、实弹射击场、皮划艇俱乐部、大雁湖旅游度假村、滨河酒店、五星级酒店、高端旅游度假别墅、木棉岛滨水商业街、酒吧街;

4. 轻工业类:食品加工业、东南亚传统工艺品加工、进口电子电器装配;

5. 医疗卫生及疗养类:中心医院、医疗养生度假中心、半山健康疗养别墅、整形医院、抗衰老养生中心、中医院疾病理疗中心、亚热带森林疗养中心、神秘部落商务休闲疗养中心、金三角传统修养技艺疗养中心、山林负离子静心养生会所。




1. Infrastructure and public service: water supply and drainage network, administrative buildings, public transportation, waste disposal, sports center, nine years school;

2. Agriculture and peripherals: agro-product deep processing, warehouse and logistics;

3. Tourism and peripherals: duty-free stores, luxury shopping centers, comprehensive performance centers for Lao folk customs, international conference centers, theme parks, golf courses, subtropical forest campsites, trailer parks, fruit-picking farms, Golden Triangle historical museums, Golden Triangle international anti-narcotics education centers, shooting ranges, kayaking clubs, wild goose Lake Resort, Riverside Hotel, five-star hotels, luxury tourism villas, Done Xao riverside commercial street, bar street;

4. Light industry: food processing, traditional Southeast Asian handicrafts and imported electronics assembling factories;

5. Health care: central hospital, sanatorium resort, hillside sanatorium villa,  plastic surgery center, anti-aging regimen center, Chinese medicine therapeutic center, subtropical forest sanatorium, mystic tribe business leisure sanatorium, Golden Triangle traditional cultivation sanatorium, forest anion meditation club.


Projects not limited in the listed above, it can arrange with GTSEZ Administration Board that suit for development orientation of the GTSEZ.


四、 投资鼓励政策Preferential Policies for Investment

1. 土地政策



2. 税收政策



3. 关税政策




4. 外籍人员居住政策

外籍投资人及其家属、 企业外籍员工和外籍务工人员可凭法人担保或劳务公司担保到特区一站式服务中心办理暂住证、工作证和一年多次往返签证。



5. 自主审批和一站式服务



1. Land

Current price on land use rights transfer starts at 112,800 U S dollars per hectare, and leasing price starts at 1,500 US dollars per hectare, according to the development situation of GTSEZ to adjust the two price on a regular basis. Agricultural projects may be considered for reduced leasing price. Land prices for priority projects and projects involving large amount of investment may be negotiated on a case-by-case basis.

2. Taxes

Investing entities in the GTSEZ enjoy reduced value-added tax rate (5%) and income tax rate (5%). Other taxes, including profit taxes are levied at 50%. Priority projects and early projects may be exempted from profit taxes for three to ten years.


3. Tariffs

Machinery, source material and equipment (not including fuel) directly used by entities in the GTSEZ to manufacture and/or process products are exempted from import duties.


Exported products manufactured and/or processed by entities in the GTSEZ are exempted from export duties. Natural resources and their ancillary products are not exempt from export duties.


4. Foreign residents

Foreign investors, their families and foreign employees, when provided guarantee by appropriate legal entities, may apply for temporary residence permit, work permit and one-year multi-entry visa at the One-stop Service Office.


Investors who invest 200,000 US dollars or more may apply for long-term residence in Laos.


5. Autonomous approval and one-stop service

The institutionalized, standardized and transparent One-stop Service Office provides convenient and efficient services such as project approval, business registration, tax registration, land use permit, residence permit, equipment import approval.


五、 投资成本和投资保障Cost and Safeguard of Investment

1. 劳动力成本



2. 水电成本



3. 金融保障

特区及其周边地区有老挝联合发展银行、老挝发展银行、老挝外贸银行、老挝农业发展银行;临近的泰国清盛有盘古银行 、暹罗商业银行、泰华农民银行,此外,在万象设立分行或代表处的中国银行、中国工商银行和老中银行均能为投资商提供服务。


4. 人力资源保障



5. 安全保障



1. Cost of Labor

Workers are primarily of Lao, Burmese and Thai nationalities. Average monthly payment is 110-130 US dollars for general workers and 160-250 US dollars for skilled workers.


2. Water and Electricity Cost

Electricity is 0.2 US dollars per KWH (after tax) maximum. Water is 0.6 US dollars per cubic meter (after tax).


3. Finance

Located inside or immediately adjacent to the GTSEZ are Joint Development Bank of Laos, Lao Development Bank, Lao Bank for Foreign Trade, and Lao Agricultural Development Bank. Near Chiang Saen, Thailand are Bangkok Bank, Siam Commercial Bank, and KBANK; in addition, Bank of China, Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, and Lao China Bank, each having their own branches or representative offices in Vientiane, all can provide services for investors.


4. Human Resources

The GTSEZ has established collaborative programs with higher education institutions such as National University of Laos, Chiang Rai Rajabhat University (Thailand), Lampang Rajabhat University (Thailand), and Xishuangbanna Vocational and Technical Institute (China) to channel talents to the GTSEZ.


5. Security

Residents and their properties in the GTSEZ are jointly safeguarded by the National Defend Forces and the Public Security of Laos.



1. 投资流程涉及的各审批事项,均可在特区管委会一站式服务中心提交审批材料。其中项目用地、规划及建设审批与工商、税务注册登记可同时进行。

2. 项目立项审批需提交资料:(1)项目可行性研究报告;(2)投资方为个人的,提供身份证复印件(老挝籍)或护照复印件(外籍);(3)投资方为企业的,提供企业营业执照和税务登记证等相关证照复印件(加盖企业公章);(4)授权委托书;(5)经办人身份证(老挝籍)或护照(外籍)复印件;(6)其他要求资料。

3. 项目用地、规划及建设审批需提交资料

1)办理《土地使用权证》需提交:①项目立项批复;②项目可行性报告;③在特区注册的工商营业执照和税务登记证;④法人授权委托书及经办人身份证或护照;⑤土地开发合同及缴费证明; ⑥规划建设厅要求的其他申报资料。



4. 工商、税务注册登记需提交资料:(1)企业登记申请表;(2)企业法人代表身份证明(身份证/护照复印件);(3)项目立项批复;(4)老挝银行出具的资信证明(申请成立个人企业则免予提交);(5)公司合同、章程;(6)公司董事、监事的身份证明、成员构成表和任职文件;股东构成表及股东的身份证明;(7)企业在特区内持有的土地、建筑物产权证明或与特区范围内的个人/公司签订的土地或建筑物租赁合同;(8)照片4张(3cm×4cm)。

1. All investment-related paperwork can be submitted to the One-stop Service Office. Applications for land use, planning and construction and business and tax registration can be processed simultaneously.


2. Documents required for Project Initiation and Approval:

1) Project feasibility report

2) Photocopy of investor’s Lao ID or foreign passport (applies to individual investors)

3) Photocopy of investor’s business license and tax registration, with corporate seal (applies to corporate investors)

4)  Letter of Authorization

5) Photocopy of agent’s Lao ID or foreign passport

6) Other applicable documents


3. Documents required for Approval of Land Use, Planning and Construction:

1) To apply for Certificate of Land Use:

i. Approved Project Initiation

ii. Project feasibility report

iii. GTSEZ business license and tax registration

iv. Letter of Authorization and Agent’s ID or passport

v. Land development contract and proof of payment

vi. Other material required by the Office of Planning and Construction

2) To apply for Construction Project Planning Permit:

i. Complete working drawings, floor plans, elevations and sections for major monomers

ii. Area of sub-areas

iii. Budget proposal

iv. Certificate of Land Use

v. Land boundary map

vi. Other material required by the Office of Planning and Construction

3)  To apply for Construction Project Implementation Permit:

i. Approved complete working drawings

ii. Contract of construction

iii. Contract of geological survey

iv. Geological survey report

v. Formalities for the supervision over project quality

vi. Certificate of Land Use

vii. Construction Project Planning Permit

4) To apply for business and tax registration:

i. Enterprise registration application form

ii. Corporate representative’s proof of identity (photocopy of ID or passport)

iii. Approved Project Initiation Application

iv. Credibility Letter by a Lao Bank (exempt for individual investors)

v. Corporate contract, corporate charter

vi. List of corporate directors, their appointment documents and proof of identity, list of shareholders and their proof of identity

vii. Proof of ownership or leasing of land and buildings in the GTSEZ

viii. 4 headshot photos (3×4cm)



一、 服务部门Service Department


The GTSEZ Administration Board oversees the GTSEZ. The Administration’s Department of Investment Promotion under the Office of Economic Development is charged with the task of attracting investment.



联系电话 TEL:

+856- 84219010, +856-20-59996888(老挝, LAO

+66-818852379(泰国, THA

+86-871-63565107(中国, CHN



+856-84210005(老挝, LAO

+86-871-63565107(中国, CHN


邮箱 Email: laoinvestment@163.com




Golden Triangle Special Economic Zone (TonPheung District, Bokeo Province), Lao People’s Democratic Republic.











上一篇: 老挝人民民主共和国 促进和管理外国在老挝投资法(一
下一篇: 云南省新出台100条政策要点扩大和深化对外开放


