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作者:admin    发布日期:2025/2/13 15:13:17    来源:美国新闻网--ABC
总统唐纳德·特朗普周三表示,他已与俄罗斯总统弗拉基米尔·普京就结束乌克兰战争进行了交谈,这场战争始于三年前普京的军队发动全面入侵。   特朗普在与普京通话后,还与乌克兰总统弗拉基米尔·泽连斯基通了话。   这些对话发生在美国国防部长皮特·赫格塞斯提供了迄今为止最完整的视图特朗普在竞选期间声称,他可以在新政府的第一天结束政府对冲突的态度。   黑格塞斯在乌克兰国防联络小组会议上告诉外国领导人和盟友,在和平谈判中,回到乌克兰战前的边界是一个“不现实的目标”,乌克兰加入北约也是如此。   “追逐这个虚幻的目标只会延长战争,造成更多的痛苦,”海格塞斯说。   泽连斯基长期以来一直要求完全的领土解放,并在本周早些时候表示愿意与俄罗斯交换领土,放弃基辅在俄罗斯库尔斯克地区的土地——俄罗斯断然拒绝了这一建议。   特朗普周三下午在椭圆形办公室对记者发表讲话时,回应了赫格塞斯的一些评论,称乌克兰“不太可能”看到其边界回到2014年前(俄罗斯吞并克里米亚时),尽管他相信“其中一些会回来。”   当被问及他是否会支持泽连斯基在任何结束战争的协议中割让领土或交换领土时,川普回应道,“嗯,他将不得不做他必须做的事情,但你知道,说得委婉点,他的民调数字并不是特别好。”   关于他是否将乌克兰视为和平进程的平等成员,特朗普停顿了一下,然后回答说:“这是一个有趣的问题。我认为他们必须讲和。他们的人民正在被杀害,我认为他们必须讲和。”   随后,他似乎将冲突归咎于乌克兰,尽管俄罗斯发动了侵略。“我说过这不是一场好的战争。我认为他们必须讲和,”他继续说道。   尽管黑格塞斯排除了加入北约的可能性,但他表示,美国承认乌克兰必须获得“强有力的安全保证”。他提议,可以向乌克兰部署一个由欧洲和非欧洲维和人员组成的非北约特派团,但美国不能在当地驻军。   特朗普称他与普京的对话是“富有成效的”,克里姆林宫称这次对话持续了一个半小时。   在乌克兰问题上,特朗普表示,他和普京“同意非常密切地合作,包括访问彼此的国家”,并“让我们各自的团队立即开始谈判。”   “普京总统甚至用了我非常有力的竞选口号‘常识’。”我们都坚信这一点,”特朗普说。   据克里姆林宫发言人德米特里·佩斯科夫称,川普“表示支持早日结束敌对状态,和平解决问题。普京总统提到了消除冲突根源的必要性,并同意特朗普的观点,即可以通过和平谈判实现长期解决。”   泽连斯基的发言人告诉ABC新闻,特朗普在与普京讨论后给泽连斯基打了电话,他们的通话持续了大约一个小时。   “他和普京总统一样,希望缔造和平,”特朗普后来发帖称。“我们讨论了与战争有关的各种话题,但最重要的是将于周五在慕尼黑举行的会议,副总统万斯和国务卿马尔科·卢比奥将率领代表团出席会议。”   白宫新闻秘书卡罗琳·莱维特在周三的吹风会上被问及特朗普是否预计乌克兰会将所有相关领土割让给俄罗斯。   “同样,这些谈判正在进行中,”她说。"我将允许总统透露他可能设定的任何红线。"   当被问及黑格塞斯的评论是否会在谈判中取消乌克兰的一些主权完整时,特朗普说:“不,我没有那样做。我支持乌克兰。我支持乌克兰。”   在此之前,特朗普在美国广播公司新闻频道(ABC News月的总统候选人辩论中,明显拒绝表明他是否认为乌克兰应该赢得对俄罗斯的战争。   “我希望战争停止,”特朗普曾说。   前副总统卡玛拉·哈里斯和前总统乔·拜登一样,承诺支持乌克兰,并将这场冲突描述为争取民主和独立的斗争,但他拒绝回答这个问题。   “我相信的原因是唐纳德·特朗普她在辩论中说:“说这场战争将在24小时内结束是因为他会放弃。”我们不是美国人。我们来了解一下这里发生了什么。"   Trump says he spoke with Putin about ending war in Ukraine   PresidentDonald Trumpon Wednesday said he had spoken with Russian President Vladimir Putin about ending the war in Ukraine, which started three years ago when Putin's forces launched a full-scale invasion.   Trump also spoke with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy after his call with Putin.   The conversations occurred as U.S. Defense Secretary Pete Hegsethoffered the fullest view yetof the administration's approach to the conflict, one Trump had claimed during the campaign he could end on the first day of his new administration.   Hegseth told foreign leaders and allies during a Ukraine Defense Contact Group meeting that a return to Ukraine's pre-war borders is an "unrealistic objective" in peace talks, as was NATO membership for Ukraine.   "Chasing this illusionary goal will only prolong the war and cause more suffering," Hegseth said.   Zelenskyy has long demanded full territorial liberation and earlier this week signaled a willingness to swap territory with Russia, giving up land Kyiv has held in Russia's Kursk region -- a suggestion Russia resoundingly rejected.   Trump echoed some of Hegseth's comments as he spoke to reporters in the Oval Office on Wednesday afternoon, saying it seems "unlikely" Ukraine would see its borders return to pre-2014 (when Russia annexed Crimea) though he believed "some of it would come back."   Asked whether he would support Zelenskyy ceding territory or exchanging territory in any agreement to end the war, Trump responded, "Well he's going to have to do what he has to do but, you know, his poll numbers aren't particularly great, to put it mildly."   On whether he viewed Ukraine as an equal member of the peace process, Trump paused before responding: "It's an interesting question. I think they have to make peace. Their people are being killed, and I think they have to make peace."   He then appeared to blame Ukraine for the conflict despite Russia's aggression. "I said that was not a good war to go into. And I think they have to make peace," he continued.   While Hegseth ruled out NATO membership, Hegseth said the U.S. recognized Ukraine must receive "robust security guarantees." He proposed a non-NATO mission of European and non-European peacekeepers could be deployed to Ukraine but with no U.S. boots on the ground.   Trump called his conversation with Putin, which the Kremlin said lasted for an hour and a half, a "highly productive" one.   On Ukraine, Trump said he and Putin "agreed to work together, very closely, including visiting each other's Nations" and "to have our respective teams start negotiations immediately."   "President Putin even used my very strong Campaign motto of, 'COMMON SENSE.' We both believe very strongly in it," Trump said.   According to Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov, Trump "spoke in favor of an early end to hostilities and a peaceful solution to the problem. President Putin, for his part, mentioned the need to eliminate the root causes of the conflict and agreed with Trump that a long-term settlement can be achieved through peaceful negotiations."   Trump called Zelenskyy after his discussion with Putin, with their call lasting for about an hour, Zelenskyy's spokesperson told ABC News.   "He, like President Putin, wants to make PEACE," Trump posted afterward. "We discussed a variety of topics having to do with the War, but mostly, the meeting that is being set up on Friday in Munich, where Vice President JD Vance and Secretary of State Marco Rubio will lead the Delegation."   White House press secretary Karoline Leavitt was asked during Wednesday's briefing if Trump expected Ukraine to cede all the territory in question to Russia.   "Again, these negotiations are ongoing," she said. "I will allow the president to divulge any red lines that he may set."   When asked if Hegseth's comments were taking some of Ukraine's sovereign integrity off the table in negotiations, Trump said: "No, I haven't done that. I'm backing Ukraine. I'm backing Ukraine."   The developments come after Trump, during the ABC News presidential debate in September, notably refused to say whether he believed Ukraine should win the war against Russia.   "I want the war to stop," Trump had said.   Former Vice President Kamala Harris, who like former President Joe Biden pledged to support Ukraine and cast the conflict as a fight for democracy and independence, had pushed back on his answer.   "I believe the reason thatDonald Trumpsays that this war would be over within 24 hours is because he would just give it up," she said during the debate. "And that's not who we are as Americans. Let's understand what happened here."
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